Warmer weather tends to have us entertaining al fresco style but with the crazy on and off again rain showers we’ve been experiencing lately, we had to move our impromptu brunch indoors – that we hosted this past weekend. Since our dining room has a cozy and warm vibe with dark furniture and a navy blue painted accent wall, I knew I wanted to create a tablescape that was bright and with a garden feel to break-up the dark tones. I thought I would share with you all how I quickly transformed our table by bringing some nature elements to the dining room table.

In order to bring the outdoors indoors, I grabbed my shears and headed to the backyard. Whoo-hoo! Talk about easy and free! Luckily, we have a variety of tall trees and bushes that have different leaf shapes and textures. I knew I wanted to create a table centerpiece that flowed like a garland so I cut large stems of leafy greenery. I didn’t have time to stop at the florist shop so thankfully I had peonies growing but only two were bloomed so snip, snip – it was enough to add a pop of color from all the greenery. Speaking of peonies, I had these Peony Paper Place Mats that were a perfect compliment to my DIY table centerpiece! To complete the centerpiece, I added a floating flower candle on the center of the table and placed small votive candles in and around the garland.

Bringing the Outdoors In

Bringing the Outdoors Inside

Entertaining: Bringing the Outdoors In

Bringing the Outdoors Inside

Bringing the Outdoors Inside

Bringing the Outdoors Inside

If you follow me on instagram, I shared a quick video of the table and a close up picture of the table centerpiece. The brunch menu included: chicken & waffles, baked apples for the waffle topping, warm buttered biscuits, a fresh tossed salad, mini blueberry muffins, coffee and mimosas.

Don’t let bad weather get you down as you can easily create an outdoorsy feel by bringing some of the outdoor elements inside!

Happy Brunching!

Photos + Styling by Rose Angel Lopez

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