Besides rose water, lavender happens to be another personal favorite ingredient to use when baking or making a tea latte. Another floral ingredient that I haven’t tried but would like to is violet. The floral aroma of both lavender and violet is amazing and its fragrance is bursting with a distinctive flavor that you feel like you are transported to an enchanted garden. But don’t worry about the perfume-like taste because when combining either of these lush floral notes with other flavors such as lemons, honey, blueberries, blackberries and yes, even chocolate – it makes for one tasty bite of deliciousness.
Keep scrolling to view my round-up of some divine looking recipes that are on my ‘must try list’ and perhaps inspiration for your next tea party or ladies luncheon.
‘Lavender Earl Grey Cake with Lavender Macarons’
recipe: Constellation Inspiration
‘Lavender Naked Cake’
recipe: Historias del Ciervo
‘Lavender Honey Posset’
recipe: The Adventure Bite
‘Violet and Lemon Eclairs’
recipe: Sweet Gula
‘Lavender Lemon Pudding Cake’
recipe: Centsational Girl
‘Violet and Lemon Eclairs’
recipe: Twigg Studios
‘Lavender Cake with Lavender Cream Cheese Icing’
recipe: Savor the Best
‘White Chocolate Chunk Lavender Ice Cream’
recipe: How Sweet It Is
‘Lavender Vanilla Bean Palmiers’
recipe: Savory Simple
‘Violet Lemonade Tea Cake Cookies’
recipe: b. sweet dessert boutique
‘Lavender Coconut Macarons’
recipe: Broma Bakery
Infuse some lavender or violet in your desserts, ice cream, and drinks this summer!

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