Happy Friday! Hope you all had a great week. Do stop back next week for a couple of simple DIY’s I am working on for your springtime entertaining!
Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy my favorite finds…
bright colored living space
Photo: Wunderschoen-gemacht
Do you ever look at an interior space and it just screams ‘happy’?! This bright and colorful living space does just that.
Custom “Will you be my Bridesmaid” Wine Label
Photo: Label with Love
These custom wine labels are a great way to ask your bestie to be your bridesmaid and it’s a gift in one.
A simple, very pretty Naked Cake
Photo: 100 Layer Cake
Even without the perfectly iced cake, this naked cake is just as pretty.
Gold Pint Ice Cream Holder
Photo: Gracious Home
Talk about glam! This is one pretty fancy ice cream holder and I’m loving it!
DIY Hula Hoop Tent
Photo: A Beautiful Mess
I’m sure you have seen these adorable tents for kids all around the web…I wouldn’t mind making an adult version for the backyard.

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