Over the weekend, while making breakfast, I was watching a cooking show and saw how Madeleines are made. Excited that it wasn’t as hard as I had always imagined it to be, I set out to find a recipe that had a little more flavor; one with rose water, perhaps, since it is one of my favorite flavors. Behold, I found a recipe on Pinterest from Lindsay of Fleur de Sel for her Rose Water and Almond Madeleines! To accompany these delightful petite treats, I looked in my cupboard of baking essentials and found a bottle of whole French Blue Lavender and thought a latte with lavender sounds like it would be delicious. I found this lavender latte recipe by Kasey of Turntable Kitchen and I decided to top it off with freshly made whipped cream, for good measure! Between the rose water and the lavender, my kitchen had a wonderful aroma of floral scents. The combination of the latte and the madeleines was, oh so good! I love it when I find great recipes to add to my entertaining file and on a cold day, enjoying these treats by the fire was wonderful!
-Photo by Rose Angel

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