A deliciously savory dinner followed by a rich chocolate brownie is never wrong. Whether you plan on baking your brownies or get store-bought ones, these conversation cutouts are so cute and easy create! All you need is a heart-shaped cookie cutter and a white icing pen to add a personal message on your brownie for Valentine’s day.
I used two different heart-shaped cookie cutters. The larger one was used to decorate the brownie with mini heart sprinkles and the smaller one was used to write conversation heart sayings like love, hug, kiss, adore, and xo. If you find that the tube is releasing too much icing, you can squeeze the icing in a plastic storage bag and with a pair of scissors, snip off a tiny hole on the corner of the bag. You may find you have more control in releasing a small amount of icing to write the letters.
Spread the love with these adorable brownies and share it with your friends or your special someone!
-Photos by Rose Angel Lopez

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