Our favorite go-to lunch that we enjoy cooking and eating on the weekends is oven-roasted seasoned vegetables that we mix with ramen noodles; it’s so good and filling! We have mixed a variety of vegetables with our ramen noodles like broccoli and cauliflower, cabbage and sweet onions, or most recently; kale, squash, zucchini, spring onions, and sweet onions – you can add pretty much any of your favorite vegetables.
Simply season your fresh cut vegetables with fresh garlic, a drizzle of fresh lime juice, salt & pepper and olive oil – place in a 450 degree pre-heated oven, bake for 35 minutes and the combination of flavors when added with your cooked ramen noodles, will give a delicious kick to your tastebuds!
- 1 Zucchini
- 1 Squash
- 2 small Sweet Onions
- 3 Spring Onions
- 4 cloves of Garlic
- 1 small Lime
- Sea Salt & Pepper, to taste
- 4 packs of Ramen Noodles
- Preheat oven to 450 degrees,
- Remove leaves from the stem and place kale in a bowl; add the juice from half of a lemon, set aside.
- Cut garlic into thin slices, place in kale bowl.
- Cut your zucchini, squash, spring onions (both green and white side) and sweet onions down into bite-sized pieces and place in the kale bowl, drizzle with some olive oil and toss with salt and pepper.
- Pour the bowl of vegetables and spread evenly onto a baking pan - lined with parchment paper and roast for about 30-35 minutes.
- Check the vegetables and shake the pan at least twice during the cooking process so the veggies don't burn but you do want dark bits around the edges.
- In a large pot of water, boil the ramen noodles until al dente. (set aside one seasoned packet for the end - this is optional).
- Once the noodles are done, drain them and place the noodles back in the pot. Then add the oven-roasted vegetables and combine.
- For added flavor, you can sprinkle one of the seasoning packs that came in the ramen noodle packaging and lightly add to your noodle mixture, optional.
- Serve warm in individuals bowls and enjoy!
-Photos + recipe by Rose Angel Lopez

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