My mom gifted me with a set of two socks (she knows how much I love comfy socks) and my first reaction to them was they are incredibly soft! These socks are different from my other drawer-filled cozy socks. These in particular are supposed to help soften and hydrate your feet as they are infused with Aloe Vera. Well, who doesn’t want soft feeling feet, right? After all, the summer season will be here before you know it and it will be flip-flops and sandal wearing time. Do you ever feel your feet drier in the summer months?
On the first night, after receiving them I followed the instructions where you are too smooth on your favorite foot lotion and then put on the Aloe Socks for continuous moisturizing as you sleep. I tried this for 2-nights so far and the first thing I felt was a cool, almost tingle like sensation – similar to shampoos that contain tea tree and make your scalp feel invigorating. If you don’t like to wear socks when you sleep, you can wear them around the house until you go to bed but if you have slippery hardwood floors, may I suggest you wear slippers too as they can be a little slippery, since the material of the socks are so soft!
While I have only worn them a couple of times, I’m still checking to see how “soft” can my feet get. Have you guys tried these Aloe Infused Socks or similar ones to these before? What do you think of them?
-Photos by Rose Angel Lopez

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