IT’S OFFICIAL: Welcome to the launch of Design by Occasion!

Welcome to the new website and blog, the noted.  I am happy you stopped by to share in the celebration of Design by Occasion official launch!

Part of my “Celebrating All of Life’s Joys” is dedicated to why I started Design by Occasion, by creating greeting cards and notecards for all of life’s celebrated bliss.  Setting out to launch my own greeting card and stationery company has been a long road filled with unexpected twists and turns.  Each challenge was meant to teach, guide and push me to move forward.  I have worked tirelessly to reach this moment, even when doubt was creeping in – I never gave up.  I think to believe in myself is to honor my journey.  I may not know what tomorrow holds but I know that today I will CELEBRATE!!

Here on the noted, I will be featuring all things that I love, that inspire me and sharing pieces of my life in the studio.

I would like to give a special thanks to Erika Brechtel of Small Shop Studio who helped rebrand my company by designing my fabulous new logo, business card and website and to Zoe Rooney for bringing my website to life!  So if you haven’t already done so, grab a cup of jo, or in this case…since this is a celebratory occasion, perhaps a glass of bubbly and take a look around!

Hope to see you back here soon and cheers to “Celebrating All of Life’s Joys”!



– Images by Rose Angel Lopez
– Handmade Greeting Card made by Design by Occasion
-Cupcakes made by Georgetown Cupcake


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  1. Congrats to you on your website launch. May this be the start of all good things for you and your business. God bless. Much success to you

  2. Rose: Heartiest Congratulations!!!! You deserve it. The website is fantastic and your work product is top notch – as expected. We are all very proud of you! This is an important milestone! I am very happy for you. – From your ardent supporter and a person you still believes in you!

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