Another year has filled my days with sweet memories, lots of joyous times and yes, some bumps in the roads (that’s life). I’m looking forward to 2016 with a new beginning and a fresh start. As this year comes close to an end, I wanted to thank you for your support in reading my blog and for supporting my little Etsy shop – it allows me to keep doing what I love. I’ll be taking holiday break and will be back to posting on January 4, 2016. To see snaps of what I’m up to from now till then, you can follow me on instagram.
Have a wonderful holiday filled with the togetherness of family & friends and wishing you a very Happy New Year that brings you health, prosperity and also a year of love and laughter!
So go on and Celebrate…Cheers, Darlings!!
-Photo by SkySight Photography for Design by Occasion

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