I couldn’t get over the weather this week. On Tuesday, it was in the high 60’s and yesterday it was in the low 30’s, with snow showers. Last night I had to break out my coat, scarf and gloves! Speaking of last night… I was beyond excited when I heard that West Elm opened up a store in Pittsburgh and I received an invitation to their Holiday DIY Workshop where we got to get crafty and decorate a Christmas stocking. It was pretty fun testing out my threading skills, using yarn. I was trying to create a tree on my stocking. Check back later on my instagram feed as I will be posting a pic of how it turned out. And did I mention while checking out the plaza West Elm was located in, there is an Anthropologie store there too! I coulden’t believe as many times I have driven passed there to visit my hair dresser, I never saw them there! Yep, you make think I’m crazy to be excited about this but when you lived your entire life in metropolitan cities and then move to the outskirts of Pittsburgh, you long for the accessibility of your favorite stores.
Happy Friday, guys! Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy a few of my favorite reads from around the web:
The photos of this Thanksgiving Dinner Party has my mouth watering for Thanksgiving dinner!
A fun holiday DIY if you want to match your holiday decor to your home decor colors….Paper Wrapped Trees.
I simply adore this Pancakes & Pajamas 3rd Birthday Party!
-Image: Urban Outfitters

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