Since I’m pretty obsessed with the colors of white and gold, I decided to do a little DIY on my pumpkins. Take a look…
I noticed that using white pumpkins verses orange pumpkins worked better on this DIY. I simply painted the pumpkins in a bright white color that had a high gloss finish. Once they were dried, I then added a second layer by spray painting the pumpkins, using this (you can probably skip this step if you feel you have enough brightness and gloss with the paint) and this for the gold metallic effect. For the last step, I took a leaf from outside, spray painted it gold and using a hot glue gun, I adhered it to the stem of the small pumpkin. It makes a great place card holder! What do you think?
This past weekend, I painted these pumpkins to match my dining navy blue dining room accent wall and spray painted the stems in a copper finish. What are your favorite go-to techniques to use when decorating your pumpkins?
-Photos by Rose Angel Lopez

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