Ever since we repainted our kitchen walls, I’ve contemplated for months and months on what type of framed art I should hang on the wall. It wasn’t until I visited the shop of Chelsea from CraftMei that I knew her herb printable collection would be a perfect design choice. I just adore Chelsea’s work, as you can see from my prayer print and my Christmas print! I simply swoon over her font styles!
Since I had to fill a large kitchen wall, I decided to create a gallery to display six herb printables (dill, chives, basil, parsley, oregano, and cilantro) and inserted each of the prints in an 11″x14″ white double mat frame. I love the simplicity of the print designs and by choosing white picture frames, it complemented the color scheme of the bistro table, and other kitchen decor accessories.
We are happy with how our little kitchen nook area turned out. Clean. Modern. Simple.
For other herb printables, check out these: rosemary, thyme, and sage.
Photos by Rose Angel Lopez

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