While perusing through my instagram feed last week, I ran across this roasted tomato dutch baby recipe from BHG. The video caught my attention as the savory german pancake puffed up in the oven. Since we enjoy cooking up a big breakfast on the weekends, I decided to make it and it was quite good. I didn’t realize how quickly the pancake began to deflate immediately after taking it out of the oven. I wasn’t able to capture it for photos but it was quite a presentation! The pancake was nice and crispy around the edge with a fluffy center.
Puffed and golden, I added over-medium fried eggs, avocado chunks, juicy cherry tomatoes and garnished with chives. After one bite of this savory dish, I was inspired by the variety of ways I can spice up the pancake, making it more savory and adding different toppings one can enjoy for dinner too!
Another way to enjoy these popovers is sweeten them up! Check out Williams Sonoma Dutch Baby with Fresh Berries recipe. A delicious treat to enjoy in early fall.
Impress your guests when hosting your next brunch and dig in!

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